The song LOVE LIFE, by ELJODI FT. DURUS PETZ and MODDEL was a song with a certain appeal, which led to the trio merging to form a group called " THE OTHER GUYZ "  A Rapper in touch with his conscious side (Eljodi), another one with a comic feel (Durus petz) and the other with a lover boy touch ( Moddel ). 
This combination resulted to the trio doing a cover on BURNA BOY'S SOKE and they called this one RED TAPE..  

catchy song with catchy lyrics like 

" Pardon my manners, the boy came last,  all these boys cum quicker 
Am no one minute man, I can do it all night I no need man power 
Sorta like a school burn fire "....... Moddel 

" What ever it is am down with it, 
Maybe one night stand or more am down with it. 
But I razzle you before and you no wan gree 
When you hear say I dey rap we cum dey f#xck for free ".................. Eljodi 

"Nne Amaka wey dey sell Akara,
give me hundred naira own, tell your daughter say i hail,
she be fine girl but she dey make shakara
her backside and the way she waka"....................... Durus Petz

It's a song with different elements. 

Download and enjoy.

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