Nobody Should Be Surprised If I Kill My Husband Tomorrow - Lady Angrily Shares Stunning Story
The young woman shared her stoy on Instagram which has left many people baffled.
According to her, she got married to a man who has no job and has
refused to go into business claiming to love only white collar jobs.
The lady who told her story on break_or_breakup, revealed that she does everything for him to cover up for his lapses and make him feel more like a man.
However, her whole world crashed recently when she realized the man had gotten another woman pregnant
Below is how she put the story (sic):
"Nobody should be surprise when they hear in the news about a
lady who killed her husband. Nobody should be surprised if I murder him
"I got married to him last 2 years, yes I knew he was jobless
but I believed in his dreams, sponsored our wedding and pay him monthly
allowance from my own salary. I tried to open a business for him but he
said he is not a business person,he prefers white color jobs, which we
have been trying our best and submitting his cv in different places.
"I have covered up his shame, carried the family on my
shoulders, paid all his siblings school fees and assist his mums
business .But his begging habit piss me off, this my so called husband
begs me as low as offering in church, money for recharge card,money for
fuel as much as he is driving my car and I pick taxi to work just to
make him feel like a man, still no way.
"I never wanted money to be an issue even tho it was so I kept
swallowing it. Not until he started stealing from me,faking my signature
and selling my valuables . I tried to over look it but it was getting
out of hand, I needed to know what he does with all this money, so I
started digging.
"Do you all know that this man got a girl pregnant, rented an
apartment for her, bought her a small golf4,and steal some of my cloths
to give her. Because in some of her photo I saw her wearing some of my
missing dresses and necklace. this lady is about 6 month pregnant , that
means it's a very recent act.
"I have all my facts including the whatssap messages they
exchange,recently he has been over fucking me each time he notices that I
am angry, he will lick all my body down to my toe and fuck me silly to
bribe me. I will not rant or shout, neither will I lament or cry, but I
must have my pound of flesh and make his suffer slowly till be begs for
death. Am writing my story as regards to the post yesterday night on
keeping a man only with your good attitude.
"The truth is, they will leave you because they are not joined
to you and if they are not joined to you,you can't make them stay. It
has nothing to do with attitude but choice."

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