Here are 11 Insane Ways to Turn a Girl On S*xually

Want to know some proven ways to turn a girl on without getting her
blind drunk? We are talking to the point where she’ll be dry humping
your leg, begging you to take her back to your place? Yep these
techniques are that good!
Unfortunately a lot of guys find it incredibly difficult to turn a woman on and that’s why they don’t get laid.
So we're going to put a stop to that today, by showing you the best
ways to turn a girl on s*xually with both verbal and non-verbal
Oh and these have all been proven to work… Adam Lyons approved in
fact, so you know they’ve been tested in-field a ridiculous amount of
times..they will blow her mind.
Without further ado… let’s get grooving:
1. Verbally (Non-physical s*xual escalation)
The first key to sexual escalation is verbal, you need to seduce
her with your words… then you move onto the physical which will push
things over the edge with her.
2. Talk about s*x… doh!
How can you expect a woman to think about having sex with you, if
you don’t plant those thoughts in her mind? Well the simple answer is,
she won’t.
Whilst you’re building rapport with her, you need to throw in a few thought provokers that help her think about you in the sack.
Things like:
- Hey look at the way that girl is dancing over there, you can totally tell she’d be terrible in bed by the way she’s moving.
- I was reading something in the paper on the tube the other day which said that women who wear bright red lipstick or better at giving blowjobs than women who don’t (WARNING ON THIS ONE, IT’S ADVANCED)
- I was talking to a girl-friend the other day and she said that women relate dancing with a guy to s*x… is that true?
3. Isolate the girl
If you want to seriously ramp up the s*xual tension you need to
isolate the girl, it’s the only way she won’t be distracted by her
friends and you can work your magic. Lead the situation by taking her
somewhere quiet and continue to build rapport further.
If you don’t know how to take her away from her friends, say something like:
- Hey listen, I need to get a drink… come with me.
- Man I’m starving, let’s go and get some food then we can come back before it closes
- Come with me I need to show you something.
4; Slow down and talk s*xy
If you want to be more seductive you have to be smooth with your
words. By slowing down with the way you speak, pausing in between words
and looking into her eyes while you do this, she will be eating out of
your hands.
Think James Bond and you’ll be fine.
5. Non-verbally (Physical sexual escalation)
So now we’ve covered the verbal side of sexual escalation, we’re
now going to go over the physical side of things… this is where it
really heats up.
6. Pull her into you
Women like a guy who is strong… so look into her eyes, put your
hands around her waist and slowly pull her into you, so your pelvis is
touching hers. This is very s*xual and will setup a kiss perfectly.
I’d go as far to say that it’s the best way to turn a girl on, because it shows you’re a dominant male.
7. Use the “triangle gaze method”
This is a proven technique that helps build sexual rapport and accelerates the chance of a kiss very quickly.
When you are looking at her, start from the left eye (hold for 3
seconds) then move to the right eye (hold for another 3 seconds) then
look at her lips for a couple of seconds. Repeat this for a minute or
two… you are basically planting the idea in her mind that you want to
kiss her.
If she asks you why you keep looking at her lips, tell her the truth!
8. Cheek kiss test
Some guys just don’t know when they should be going in for a kiss, here’s a great way to tell if she’s ready.
Go in for a cheek kiss (with your hands holding each arm), but make
sure it’s very close to her mouth, when you’re close see what her
reaction is… does she move her head away as if to reject you or does she
go in for a real kiss? If she moves away, go in for a second kiss but
keep your hands holding her arms. Why you ask?
Simple, if you remove your hands from her arms when she moves her
head away from the kiss, it sub communicates that you have acknowledged
she is rejecting your kiss. However if you leave your hands there and go
in for a third kiss, making it obvious that you’re going for the cheek,
it makes her look like the fool… clever huh?
9. Groom her
We’re all highly sexual animals at the end of the day, so grooming
her will communicate that you “care” about the way she looks and her
well being. Simply brushing her hair away from her face and placing it
behind her ear is enough to escalate.
10. Kiss her forehead
Girls love it when guys kiss their forehead, it shows affection and
no matter how hard a girl tries, she won’t be able to resist liking you
that little bit more.
It’s what they see in the movies, so it’s subconsciously embedded in their mind and just always works, so use it.
11. Touch her waist/stomach
If a girl let’s you touch her waist and leave your hand there
without pulling away… then you can kiss her. It’s a surefire sign my
friend, go in for the kiss.
On the flip side, if she ever touches your stomach or chest, it means she wants to kiss you, guaranteed.
12. Place your hand on her face (optional)
This is quite a manly dominant thing to do, if you place both hands
or one hand on her face, then go in for the kiss… there’s not much she
will do to resist.
Seen as though women like to be lead sexually (well most do anyway) she will never pull away, she’ll just go with it.
13. Read her signs and act
If she’s looking at you (lingering) with intent, her pupils are
dilated and she’s leaving her hand on your stomach or arm, it means she
wants to kiss… so go for it.
The more you do this, the easier it will become because you’re going to be able to read the signs and instinctively act.
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