Next Rated Act, Dyce Angel Set To Launch His First EP In Grand Style

 Ebosele Marvellous(Dyce angel) who hails from a part in west Africa where the Sand is red, Bats fly in the sky of the Capital before Dark, a Land of Rich Secret of Spiritual, cultural and Traditional Existence,  He understands Nature so well, He is an African, He is here to talk about his Music, a Journey of his, a Book where we will find him in every story on pages, telling of things of what it is, what it was, what it can be and would be, all with the help of sound.
The 7 EP is his first Recording project since he decided to Engage myself with Music, he is a messenger of God in his Own Religion, 7 EP is the Book of Elders in the Hands of a young Youth, it comprises all that he has seen and Experienced so far in Life, the Consequences of this Mandate, the Cross he had to Carry, and he would really like for everyone to not just Dance or Nod their Heads to the sounds which came from hell, but also listen to the Lines with Origins from Heaven, these things he cant keep inside him, they are too heavy to carry, not to spill them out and he prays the Peace of the Lord to Sharpen your understanding.
Growing up in an Environment where 85 percent of the youths are Gang Related has really helped in Shaping the Idea of this EP Project and also from the Traditional and Cultural Significance of the same environment. He got the Inspiration for the writing and recording of every songs in this Project from the energy that he has been able to gather from the Happenings in his Environment and all songs have been developed into a compounding story that will give the listener a worth of their time. If you have Read this Far it shows that you are a Person who Appreciate value and He wants to say Thank you, this EP is for you.


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