Ladies! Here are 10 Things You Shouldn't Do When You Meet a New Guy - by Joro Olumofin
Some Ladies today wonder why after a guy has shown interest in them or
after 2/3 dates he disappears or doesn't return their phone calls, text,
whatsapp or bbms, a celeb writer has answered this question...a must
Ladies, 10 things you shouldn’t do when you meet a new guy or new catch.
1. Don’t take your friends along with you when he invites you on a date
2. Don’t go to his house unannounced
3. Don’t ask him for money
4. Don’t compare him to your ex or talk about your ex, only if he requests
5. Don’t get drunk on your first outing with him
6. Don’t wear see through or exposing outfits on your first outings
7. Don’t bore him with all your family or personal issues
8. Don’t talk about Marriage
9. Don’t pry about the size of his pocket, his earnings or the car he drives
10. Don’t be too quick to post his picture on instagram, Facebook, (social media) etc.
Some Ladies today wonder why after a guy has shown interest in them
or after 2/3 dates he disappears or doesn’t return their phone calls,
text, whatsapp or bbms. I have listed some of these reasons above, below
is more explanations.
(1) Don’t take your friends along when he invites you on a date:
Some Nigerian Ladies for some reason that is beyond me, take their
friends on a date with a guy they just met. I can attest to this because
it has happened to me before. No positive outcome can come out of this
but some of the negatives are: (i) The guy will be turned off (ii) He
may start liking or prefer one for your friends to you (iii) He will
never get the opportunity to know you as much as he wants because of the
3rd wheel (iv) He may think you don’t have a mind of your own (v) He
may turn you and your friends back
(2) Don’t go to his house unannounced:
One thing a man hates the most is for you to show up at his house
unannounced or invited especially when he just met you. That’s a “NO NO”
because he’ll just think you’re a stalker or a psycho and he’ll act
out.. Some ladies out of emotions and lack of trust show up at a guys
house, what they don’t know is they are pushing him away or giving him
reasons to leave
(3) Don’t ask him for Money:
Some Ladies meet a guy and in less than 2/3 weeks the demands start
rolling in. Please pay for my Brazilian hair, buy me birkin / Chanel
bag for my birthday next week, my rent is due, or plain & simply, I
need 500k or 1 million. Most guys would take off when they meet a Lady
like this. They would say she’s opportunistic and compare her to the
ladies who are not asking them for a kobo or dime.
(4) Don’t compare him to your ex or talk about your ex, only if he requests:
Some Ladies compare and contrast their new guy to their old one,
not only in their mind but to his face as well. They say things like my
Ladi used to take me to KFC you’re taking me to Mr Biggs, Jide bought me
Prada for my birthday last year you’re buying me Zara? . Guys hate
being compared, it punctures their Ego so allow him be the Boss and take
you out, don’t compare or dictate terms of dates or gifts.
(5) Don’t be to quick to upload his pictures on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter (Social Media):
Ladies, you just met a guy, a new flame, the relationship is at its
early stages, there’s still so much you don’t know about him why upload
his pictures for the world to see? The relationship may not even be
defined yet.. By doing this, you’re giving people room to influence and
alter your infant relationship. Also you don’t want to be like those
people who have to cleanse their instagram and Facebook pages of a guys
picture every 6 months because of a breakup. Some ladies have a new
boyfriend on Instagram every 3 weeks, after a heartbreak they delete old
pictures and add new ones.
(6) Don’t wear see through or exposing outfits on your first date:
Guys are very Impulsive and instinctive by nature, by wearing a
dress or gown that’s says “SEX” that’s all that will be on his mind and
nothing else. He won’t want to hear anything about you anymore; your
personality, your job, your family etc. All he’ll be thinking about is
how he’ll take you to his house or hotel room because you’ve sent him a
signal saying you want sex.
(7) Don’t bore him with your Family issues:
Some ladies carry their personal or family problems out with them
on dates, instead of making waves and progress with their new guy, they
talk about how their house got burnt last week, or how their friend
always borrows money or clothes from them, or how they hate their
sisters or brothers.. All these are TMI (Too Much Information) Focus on
him and let him Focus on you.. Don’t allow extraneous variables creep in
and take over your conversation.
(8) Don’t talk about marriage or the future:
The number one thing guys are scared of after God is the “C” or “M”
word. “Commitment or Marriage” so if you just met a guy and you’re
already talking about marriage or children he is definitely going to
take off and say you’re putting him under pressure and he can’t keep
up.. Let him be the one to bring it up not you because he’ll say you’re
(9) Don’t pry about his pocket, earnings or the car he drives:
A friend of mine went on a Blind Date at Radisson (Lagos) to meet a
Lady who his cousin had introduced him to through Instagram. He
complained he had not even ordered a drink when his date asked him: What
car do you drive? That was her first question.. “What do you drive?” He
said he wondered do you want to date me? Or date my car? Most guys
would be offended by this and even have a negative impression about you
immediately, because a guy would wonder do u like me or my car?. Focus
on him, his future plans etc
(10) Don’t get drunk on your first outing with him:
Firstly Ladies, this is for your own safety a lot of ladies have
been taken advantage of because they were intoxicated. You also don’t
want to embarrass yourself and say or do things that you can’t defend or
About the Author:
Adejoro Olumofin is a Psychologist, Business Executive, Socialite, Blogger and Fashion Junkie.
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