OKE OF THE DAY Akpors goes into a pharmacy & says 2 d pharmacist, “Hello, can I have a condom? I’m going 2 my girlfriend’s place 4 dinner & I think I may get lucky!” The pharmacist gives him the condom & as he was going out he turned back & said “give me another condom because my girlfriend’s sister is very cute too, she always crosses her legs in a provocative manner when she sees me & I think I might strike a luck there too.” The pharmacist gives him a second condom& as he was leaving, he turns again & says “give me one more condom because my girlfriend’s mom is still pretty cute & when she sees me she always makes eye contact& since she invited me 4 dinner I think she is expecting me 2 make a move. During dinner, Akpors sat with his girlfriend on the left, the sister on his right & the mum facing him. When the girlfriend’s Dad walked in Akpors lowered his head & started the dinner prayer. Dear Lord, bless this dinner & thank you for all you’ve given us…10minutes after, Akpors was still praying “Thank you Lord for your kindness.” Another ten minutes went by & he was still praying, keeping his head down, very close to the table. They all looked at each other surprised, & his girlfriend was even more surprised than others. She gets close to him & whisperes, “I didn’t know you are so religious”; Akpors replies, “I never knew your dad was a pharmacist!”


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