DEAR LADIES: 11 Signs You’re WIFE Material
In the 1950s, what constituted “wife material” was pretty basic compared to how it is now. “Perfect” wives were women who stayed home to take care of the kids, keep the house in order, and have dinner ready promptly at 6PM when her husband walked through the door. Women’s aspirations became second to fulfilling their “wifely duties.” It sounds terribly depressing, to be honest. But, being that it’s 2015, so much has changed since then. What makes a woman a wife isn’t about being docile, submissive, and letting the man run the show. Thanks to the Women’s Movement, there is an equality that makes both men want to find their partner and not their, well, maid. We talked to 11 men about what makes a woman “wife material.” This is what they had to tell us. 1. You love in equal measure. “It just boils down to love and attraction. I don’t mean any kind of romantic ideal, but like, proper love, where you love them so much that even when you’re mid-argument and super angry you still make...